Pedro Rosso

Pedro Rosso was born in Argentina. He studied and organized his first exhibitions in Buenos Aires. In 1978, he traveled to Spain where he lived till 1987. Cities as Madrid, Zaragoza, Sevilla, Granada, Córdoba, Valencia, Murcia and Bracelona have influenced his work, where he also has organized several exhibitions and performances. In 1987, he traveled and stayed in Campagno di Roma, Italy; there he exposed in the Biblioteca Comunale and in Palazzo dei Congressi (Roma). In 1990 he won the third award in the ''5º Salón de Arte Figurativo de la Asociación de Artistas Plásticos Latinoamericanos'' (ALAP), Buenos Aires. His works belong to several private collections in Roma, Turín, Bolonia, Florencia, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Valencia, Biblioteca de Campagno di Roma, Galería Ximena Godoy Arraya, Barcelona. Nowadays, Pedro lives in Marbella.
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